commission deposit
hello! i have set this up to make the commission request process easier and more streamlined.
if you'd like a commissioned painting, please pay the deposit with your preferred contact email and i'll be in touch with you to discuss your painting, reference images, sizes, final costs etc.
how it works:
1. you send me a reference photo, or a few photos, of yourself for the painting.
2. we can discuss the size and final costs. sizes available: anything A3 or larger.
3. i'll get working on the painting and get in touch with you via email when the painting is complete.
things to note:
1. i accept commissions from people of all ages, genders, body types, etc etc. everyone is welcome!
2. i love painting lingerie/kink/queer type stuff so please don't be afraid to suggest this as an option.
3. it doesn't necessarily have to be you - if you just want a more specific painting commission that's fine too.
4. costs will vary depending on size and time taken but to give you a rough idea, an A3 piece would normally be £50 (including deposit) + shipping, and work up from there.
"I love my painting! It's the centrepiece of my room and always gets so many compliments! It makes me feel sexy and appreciate my body more."
"It's genuinely one of my most prized possessions"
"It made me feel so beautiful and sexy - but also neutral about myself in a way I've never felt before. When I look at it I'm reminded that my worst ideas about myself are usually wrong, and that there's beauty in every body if you have the eyes to see it."
"Mine has completely changed my view of my body and helped me see what I am factually rather than body dysmorphia."